Housing 101 Has Openings
Dear Anonymous: We would love to have you attend the Housing 101, but you paid on our website anonymously. How are we supposed to reserve a spot for you if you are anonymous? Network for Good is not a program of NEOCH and when you pay anonymously that means the agency is not told who made a doantion. We are usually full and typically turn away a handful of people from the workshop. If we do not know who you are how are we supposed to reserve a space for you? Are you allowed to reserve a ticket at a concert anonymously? or a hotel room? This happens every workshop we do. You can donate to NEOCH anonymously, but you cannot pay for Housing 101 anonymously. It does not make sense. Here is the web page and below is the flyer. Hope you can join us to learn about housing but just not anonymously. Thanks for the anonymous donation to NEOCH and feel free to schedule meetings for yourself for October 23 because you are available.
--NEOCH staff
For those non anonymous people you can learn about Coordinated Intake, how to refer homeless people to shelter, and housing for veterans. We will give details about the Housing website in Cleveland and the local fair housing law. One of the most popular sections of the workshop is the presentation by the Cleveland Housing Court. The workshop is popular and we only have 22 spots left. Make your (non-anonymous) reservation today by sending in the form with payment.
Brian Davis
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