Cleveland Homeless: A Year in Review 2014


Here is a link to all the stories that appeared on the Cleveland Homeless Blog in 2014 with a link back to the original story if you want more information.  Thanks Joyce for putting this together.


Homeless people seem to be sheltering in place and not going outside. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/28/people-seem-to-be-sheltering-in-place.html

Police in Orange County were acquitted of all charges against a mentally ill man beat to death in the first of a year of overly aggressive police officers. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/15/awful-news-out-of-orange-county-california.html

Shelters had a 5% cut in federal funding.

Don’t get sick on Texas if you’re poor. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/23/dont-get-sick-in-texas-if-you-are-poor.html

Metanoia and shelters implement cold weather plans. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/21/cold-weather-plans.html

Budget compromise worked out in Congress means good and bad news for shelters.

Homeless Stand Down 2014 at Public Hall January 25. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/16/stand-down-coming-soon.html

Quick takes: “Camelot” torn down and replaced by new Third District Police station; Death of Arnold Pinkney. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/14/quick-takes.html

Attendees at Lutheran Metro Ministry want a renewed interest in supporting the Johnson administration poverty position. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/9/sticking-up-for-the-johnson-administration-poverty-position.html

Tuesday, January 7,  was a rough day for homeless people and for local social service providers due to the weather. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/7/a-rough-day-in-cleveland-due-to-the-weather.html                                             

The City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County connected with The Red Cross and social service providers to ensure that we’re ready to assist people living in unstable housing. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/6/update-on-clevelands-extreme-weather.html

Extreme weather temporary shelter options for homeless people include intake shelters, overflow sites, recreation centers and overnight warming centers. /cleveland-homeless-blog/month/january-2014?currentPage=3

HandsOn NEO is collecting items at Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ, beginning January 5, for the 2014 Homeless Stand Down. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/4/handson-neo-is-collecting-stuff-for-stand-down-2014.html

NEOCH is still collecting blankets, hygiene and other donations through March 15, 2014. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/3/we-are-still-collecting-blankets.html

NEOCH’s work in 2013 included advocacy, public education, community organizing and assisting the Homeless Legal Assistance program. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/1/2/neoch-work-in-2013.html


Golden Week eliminated and early voting curtailed by Secretary of State Husted. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/2/26/golden-week-eliminated-and-early-voting-curtailed.html

New Street Voices Speaker video available on NEOCH website. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/2/25/new-street-voices-speaker-video.html

Five years after The Recovery Act, Cleveland could use another infusion of funds to continue to help reduce homelessness. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/2/17/five-years-after-the-recovery-act.html

The Cleveland Street Chronicle issue #21.1 is now available from vendors. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/2/15/new-street-chronicle-is-on-the-streets.html

Michael Piepsny will be the guest speaker at the CAHA meeting on March 3, 2014. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/2/14/upcoming-caha-meeting.html

Ione Biggs Award to be presented at NEOCH’s Annual Meeting on March 19, 2014. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/2/14/neoch-annual-meeting-coming-in-march.html

Permanent Supportive Housing featured on WCPN February 12, 2014. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/2/13/permanent-supportive-housing-featured-on-wcpn.html

National updates on homelessness: Barb Poppe Stepping down at InterAgency Council; Surplus Military Property Available in Sandusky; Justice Department Urges States to Forgive Felons And Allow them to Vote; Psychiatric Drugs and Medicaid; National Coalition for the Homeless on Bitter Cold. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/2/13/national-updates-on-homelessness.html

Quick Updates: CWRU Civic Engagement Conference and Learning Center along with the InterReligious Task Force on Central America had their 14th Annual Teach In; 100,000 homes featured on 60 Minutes; State legislature expected to kill “Golden Week”; Long-term unemployed still without help. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/2/10/a-few-quick-updates.html

Social Security Administration will discontinue providing Social Security number printouts and will discontinue providing benefits verifications in their offices effective August and October, 2014 respectively.  /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/2/7/social-security-delays-changes.html

Don Messitt among Street Voices Speakers featured in short promotional videos to be posted on the NEOCH website. /cleveland-homeless-blog/month/february-2014?currentPage=3

MARCH 2014

Hate crimes against the homeless: Three campsites housing homeless people attacked in the Flats. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/31/hate-crimes-over-the-weekend.html

New Street Voices video, featuring Angelo Anderson, posted on website. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/28/new-street-voices-video-posted.html

Eileen Kelly and others, received awards at  the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Annual Meeting on March 19. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/20/award-winners-from-neoch.html

Jay Westbrook and Maria Smith were honored by the Homeless Coalition as the 2013 and 2012 Ione Biggs Social Justice Award winners respectfully. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/20/ione-biggs-award-winner.html

NEOCH Community Benefit Report posted on website. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/20/annual-report-posted-on-the-website.html

Councilman Jay Westbrook and Legal Aid Attorney Maria Smith to receive Ione Biggs award at NEOCH Annual Meeting March 19. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/14/still-room-for-you-at-the-annual-meeting.html

Changes in sentencing reductions for drug offenses, suggested by the Justice Department, may lead to an increase in homelessness. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/13/two-related-stories-on-the-criminal-justice-system.html

With no clear rules for serving the population at the Central Intake site and no established grievance procedure, diversion process can be a nightmare for the homeless. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/11/at-least-we-dont-live-in-columbus-ohio.html

National Updates for March 2014 – NYC: number of arrests for panhandling tripled; Washington, D.C.: Courts demand changes regarding family homelessness; East Coast: Cleveland opens overflow sites for homeless not only in the winter; Chicago: story about a homeless young person and the teacher who helped him; Nashville: religious groups are ask for the freedom to give out food as part of their ministry. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/8/national-updates-for-march-2014.html

Sound of Ideas radio broadcast regarding the big changes taking place in Ohio regarding voting. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/6/another-nice-sound-of-ideas-on-voting.html

Limits on Ohio voting include eliminating Golden Week, tightening controls over provisional ballots, restricting who can send out absentee ballot request forms, and limiting early voting. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/1/more-limits-on-voting-in-ohio.html

NEOCH Annual Meeting set for March 19, 2014. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/1/neoch-annual-meeting-for-2013.html

Housing 101 Workshop is directed at staff working with very low income or homeless people. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/3/1/housing-workshop-101.html

APRIL 2014

In the March Gallup survey on the concerns of Independent Americans about national problems, hunger and homelessness is sixth and unemployment is fifth. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/30/americans-level-of-worry-independents-2014.html

National Coalition for the Homeless Updates - a new director, a new website, some new Board members and a renewed focus on community organizing and building a movement around housing and homelessness. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/28/national-coalition-for-the-homeless-updates.html

Coordinated Intake hurts homeless people who go to a private shelter before going to Central Intake. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/28/coordinated-intake-hurts-privately-funded-shelters.html

Daniel Thompson Commemoration - Along with the fundraiser at the Algebra Tea House friends and activists will gather at Daniel's grave site in Lakeview cemetery, Tuesday May 6. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/28/more-information-on-the-daniel-event.html

The six Democratic candidates running for the County Executive position attended the Candidates’ Night on April 10 co-sponsored by community organizations including NEOCH and the Homeless Congress. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/18/democratic-candidate-night-for-county-executive-primary.html

Fair Housing training scheduled for May15, 2014 at 10 a.m. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/18/fair-housing-training-coming-up.html

Homeless Outreach Training teach In for those who minister to homeless people on May 8, 2014, on 4:30 p.m. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/18/training-for-those-who-minister-to-homeless-people.html

The Coalition on Housing and Homelessness in Ohio (COHHIO) has made progress with an amendment to lift the cap on the Ohio Housing Trust Fund. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/18/update-on-ohio-housing-trust-fund.html

New Street Voices video, featuring Simona, posted on website. /cleveland-homeless-blog/month/april-2014?currentPage=2

There is a rally and March on Saturday April 12 at Noon at the Market Square Park, to protest benefit cuts. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/11/march-and-walk-to-protest-benefit-cuts.html

The National Coalition for the Homeless released a report about discrimination against homeless people in Washington, D.C. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/11/discrimination-against-homeless-people-report-released.html

Care Alliance Health Center is hosting their annual meeting at the Doubletree Hilton, 1111 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 12:00-2:30 pm. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/10/care-alliance-annual-meeting.html

Homeless people who go a privately funded shelters in the community before going to Coordinated Intake, they lose their ability to access rental assistance, transitional housing or any other publicly funded homeless service. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/4/hud-rejects-our-complaint-about-coordinated-intake.html

Meeting with many outreach workers, volunteers, some of the victims of the fires down in the Flats and the Cleveland Police Department. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/3/met-with-cleveland-police-regarding-the-attacks-on-the-camps.html

Lutheran Metro Ministry, Organize!Ohio, and 30 social service/social justice groups are co-hosting a candidate night next week for those running in the primary for Cuyahoga County Executive, Thursday, April 10 at 6 p.m. at 4515 Superior Ave. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/4/3/candidate-night-for-county-executive.html

MAY 2014

Indictment of the officers and supervisors involved in the shooting death of Russell and Williams, who had experienced homelessness. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/31/the-path-forward-in-the-police-shootings.html

Donations and funds needed to help those burnt out in the Flats. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/28/fund-to-help-those-burnt-out-in-the-flats.html

New “Street Voices” video features Quinton, a high school student. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/27/new-video-posted-for-street-voices.html

Warnings issued for shelters to be aware of a dangerous new drug, “Spice” or “K-2,” that is sending homeless people to the hospital. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/21/spice-alert-issued-for-the-shelters.html

Arsonists arrested for starting fires at a homeless encampment were homeless. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/17/arsonists-arrested-for-starting-fires-in-flats.html

Housing Forum for social service providers and clients to learn more about housing programs in Cleveland, Thursday May 15 at 10 A.M. at the Cosgrove Center. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/13/fair-housing-and-how-to-find-housing-in-cleveland.html

National News Notes from the National Coalition for the Homeless meeting in April. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/13/what-is-happening-in-the-united-states-around-homelessness.html

Outreach Training/Teach In discussion between the students and religious folks who go outside and serve homeless people with the "professional" staff hired to serve the population. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/9/great-evening-for-outreach-training.html

Homeless Congress meeting in May 2014,  included County Council Anthony Hairston as our guest and updates on Laura’s Home. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/9/updates-on-lauras-home-and-homeless-congress.html

Where are the public restrooms located in Downtown Cleveland? /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/7/no-bathrooms-in-downtown-cleveland.html

Housing homeless vet staff, Ruth Fiala passes away. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/5/housing-homeless-vet-staff-ruth-fiala-passes-away.html

Bridge Support is a new newsletter tailored to those who go outside to serve homeless people. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/2/bridge-support-archive-posted.html

John Corlett and Brian Davis both received awards from Care Alliance at the care Alliance Annual meeting. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/2/award-winners-at-care-alliance.html

Federal Court intervenes to keep early voting hours and to protect the rights of voters in Wisconsin and Ohio. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/5/1/good-news-for-protecting-the-rights-of-voters.html

JUNE 2014

Veterans in Cleveland appear to be satisfied with the treatment they get at Stokes VA Medical Center. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/30/how-are-veterans-doing-in-cleveland.html

Homeless Voting meeting with the homeless providers to talk about getting homeless people registered and ready to vote. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/27/homeless-voting-for-2012.html

Unfriendly Honolulu is a beautiful place to live, but a horrible place to be homeless. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/25/unfriendly-honolulu-push-homeless-people-out.html

New shelter standards proposal outlining the most essential shelter standards, drafted and agreed upon at Homeless Congress. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/25/proposals-to-improve-the-conditions-in-the-shelters.html

An open letter to City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County government to develop an affordable housing plan similar to the one released by Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/25/an-open-letter-to-city-and-county-government.html

The Street Voices Program – speakers available to speak to groups about their experiences with homelessness. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/20/the-street-voices-program.html

A Street Chronicle newspaper personal story. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/20/street-chronicle-newspaper-personal-story.html

United Way of Cleveland announces that they are funding 70 fewer programs in the community. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/20/funding-changes-announced.html

Former Volunteer Coordinator and current board member Larry Davis talks about the importance of the Street Voices program. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/18/larry-davis-talks-about-street-voices.html

New Street Voices video features Debbie the IRS Agent. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/9/new-street-voices-video-debbie-the-irs-agent.html

Meetings at ADAHMS Board on June 19, and NEOCH offices June 27, to make plans for getting homeless people to participate in voting. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/6/putting-together-a-plan-for-homeless-voting.html

At the June CAHA Housing meeting on June 2, attendees discussed various changes, updates, and projects concerning public housing. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/4/caha-housing-meeting-from-june-2014.html

Housing Cleveland is a wonderful free website for helping people to have access to affordable housing in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/3/housing-cleveland-website-is-a-wonderful-resource.html

New Street Chronicle issue 21.2 available for sale. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/6/1/new-street-chronicle-available-for-sale.html

JULY 2014

National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference - cognitive dissidence between the national group and what is happening in the field with real homeless people. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/31/cognitive-dissidence-at-alliance-conference.html

Justice department to challenge recent changes to the election procedures and election law in Ohio. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/30/welcome-to-ohio-elections-justice-department-what-took-you-s.html

Bishop Cosgrove Center celebrating 20th anniversary. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/30/bishop-cosgrove-center-is-20-years-old.html

Permanent Supportive Housing and Homeless Outreach teach in scheduled for August 7 at 6 p.m. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/29/august-7-teach-in.html

Discussion about New York state’s effort to use health care dollars for housing on Morning Edition. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/28/housing-is-healthcare.html

Advocates are pressing for a bill to change Maryland involuntary commitment law. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/25/behind-the-yellow-door-profile.html

Homeless people need help with donated items in the summer. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/21/homeless-people-need-supplies-in-the-summer.html

NEOCH comments on open internet rules for FCC. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/21/neoch-comments-on-open-internet-rules-for-fcc.html

Do institutional violence and “quality of life” ordinances provide cover for hate crimes? /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/21/does-institutional-violence-provide-cover-to-hate-crimes.html

Family of Tim Russell releases a statement on the settlement.

Can the city of Los Angeles, with the highest population of homeless people in the country, afford to help children fleeing violence in Central America? /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/20/los-angeles-really.html

There is a huge split within the homeless community regarding the effectiveness of drug and alcohol addiction services available. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/14/alcohol-and-drug-addiction-services-effective.html

Video interviews with Columbus Street Speech newspaper vendors. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/7/columbus-street-newspaper-video.html

On Friday August 22, they are having a Mass and reception at 3 p.m at St. Peter's Church to celebrate The Cosgrove Center’s 20th anniversary. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/5/cosgrove-renovations-and-celebration.html

Bill Resseger, one of the founders of CAHA (Cuyahoga Affordable Housing Alliance), is retiring this summer from his decades of service to the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/3/a-well-respected-man-bill-resseger.html

Remembering the Civil Rights Act of 1964. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/2/we-remember-the-civil-rights-act-of-64-while-it-is-under-att.html

Senator Rob Portman becomes involved in coordinated intake in Cuyahoga County. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/7/2/senator-becomes-involved-in-coordinated-intake.html


Cogswell Hall, a permanent supportive housing apartment building on the near West Side of Cleveland, celebrates 100 years helping those who have been homeless for a long period of time back into housing.  /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/8/26/cogswell-hall-100-years.html

Cosgrove Center celebrates 20 years. /cleveland-homeless-blog/month/august-2014

Cuyahoga County needs a better safety net for women fleeing domestic violence relationships. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/8/20/we-need-a-community-conversation-on-domestic-violence.html

Interesting national stories from media including National Public Radio and the Washington Post. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/8/20/interesting-national-stories.html

Hate crimes against the homeless in Ohio included in a report by published by The National Coalition for the Homeless entitled “Vulnerable to Hate”. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/8/19/hate-crimes-in-ohio.html

Ohio steps up on mental-health treatment legislation by changing treatment of mentally ill. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/8/19/ohio-changes-treatment-of-mentally-ill.html

Several Cleveland City Council members attended the Teach In to focus on Permanent Supportive Housing and Outreach Services. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/8/8/city-councilmembers-show-up-for-teach-in.html

There is a need to overcome community opposition to affordable housing, and recognize that homelessness is a health care issue. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/8/6/housing-income-health-care-and-myths.html

A nice note to NEOCH from Maribeth who said, “You give the homeless a voice.” /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/8/6/another-nice-note-to-neoch.html

NEOCH invites you to participate in a campaign to stop Senate Bill 349 which would oppose Ohio’s Fair Housing Laws. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/8/5/neoch-opposes-attack-on-fair-housing.html

National news updates regarding homelessness from Washington, DC, Ohio, New Mexico and Florida.  /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/8/1/national-news-updates.html


US Supreme Court blocks Golden Week in Ohio. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/29/supreme-court-blocks-golden-week-in-ohio.html

Cleveland is pursuing a program called "Pay for Success," which will assist homeless families who have had experience with the foster care system. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/27/pay-for-success-coming-to-cleveland.html

Speakers at National Voter Registration Day event, at 2100 Lakeside shelter, stressed the importance of everyone participating in Democracy. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/24/successful-voting-event-at-2100-lakeside-shelter.html

County Executive candidates will be asked how they will address health, human services, housing and other critical needs in Cuyahoga County, September 29. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/23/county-executive-candidate-night-on-poverty.html

Teen charged with murder of homeless person in Columbus. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/23/teen-charged-with-murder-of-homeless-person-in-columbus.html

The Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless voted at our September board meeting to urge our members to support the Equal Housing and Employment Act. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/22/neoch-supports-equality-in-housing-and-employment-in-ohio.html

National Voter Registration Day in Cleveland September 23, 2014. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/21/national-voter-registration-day-in-cleveland.html

What is the problem with “diversion”? /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/15/what-is-the-problem-with-diversion.html

An article in The Atlantic addresses sleep deprivation among homeless people and the negative consequences on a person's life. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/15/sleep-deprivation-and-the-shelters.html

New voting hours and fake voting issues. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/15/new-voting-hours-and-fake-voting-issues.html

The Homeless Street Card which is available and on the streets. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/15/street-card-available-and-on-the-streets.html

Regulations of the shelters. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/8/regulations-of-the-shelters.html

 Judge concludes ”…that SB 238’s elimination of Golden Week itself similarly burdens the voting rights of lower income and homeless individuals.” /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/5/potential-chaos-in-voting-hours.html

Identification Collaboration out of money/cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/9/5/identification-collaborative-out-of-money.html


NEOCH volunteers will be out driving people to the polling place for Early Voting. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/28/last-week-to-early-vote.html

NCH and the Center for Community Change host a 25th Anniversary celebration of Housing NOW. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/28/housing-now-at-25-years.html

Interesting news stories around homelessness, including an NPR story on Skid Row. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/27/interesting-news-stories-around-homelessness.html

Interesting story from the “…faces of homelessness…” postcard campaign. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/27/interesting-story-from-the-postcard-campaign.html

Cuyahoga County Visibility Summit: Accessible housing that welcomes all, scheduled for Thursday October 30. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/23/housing-visitability-summit-next-week.html

Saturday, October 25 is the first Saturday for early in-person. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/23/you-have-permission-from-the-state-to-vote-this-saturday.html

Follow instructions carefully when voting by mail, so that your vote counts. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/20/be-careful-when-voting-by-mail.html

The Office of Homeless Services "Advisory Board" approved another 2% cut for the transitional shelters and safe haven programs in Cuyahoga County. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/18/more-cuts-to-the-shelters-in-2014.html

Over 200 homeless people served at Hand Up Gala 2014 event on October, 17. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/17/hand-up-gala-2014-successful.html

NEOCH looking for development/public relations volunteers. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/14/neoch-looking-for-developmentpublic-relations-volunteers.html

How can Akron better serve homeless people who are resistant to shelters? /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/13/how-can-akron-better-serve-homeless-people.html

 A new way of thinking about Single Women's Shelter based on a shelter in Washington, D.C.? /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/13/a-better-shelter-for-women-in-dc.html

CWRU students sue City of Akron over homeless policies. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/12/cwru-students-sue-city-of-akron-over-homeless-policies.html

Hope House cuts ribbon on first home given away. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/10/hope-house-cuts-ribbon-on-first-home-given-away.html

A new class of chronically homeless? /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/9/guest-post-city-mission-official-gives-other-side-of-housing.html

Early voting has begun! Call to set up transportation to the polls from shelters/facilities. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/8/early-voting-has-begun-call-us-for-rides-to-the-polls.html

Current edition of the Cleveland Street Chronicle available for sale. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/6/street-newspaper-available-for-sale.html

NEOCH’s Postcard project hopes to change the impression of what homeless people look like. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/6/postcard-published-to-dispel-the-myths-about-homelessness.html

2100 Lakeside resident survey results contradict many of the common stereotypes of the shelter. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/10/3/lakeside-resident-survey-published-on-our-website.html


Reasons for being thankful. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/28/i-am-thankful-for.html

16-year decline in the number of homeless people sleeping in Downtown Cleveland. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/28/how-many-homeless-are-in-downtown-cleveland.html

The 12th Annual Woodchoppers Ball fundraiser to benefit NEOCH. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/27/fundraiser-to-support-neoch.html

28th annual Homeless Memorial candlelight vigil to be held at St. Malachi—Metanoia Project on December 21, at 7 p.m. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/25/homeless-memorial-day-2014.html

Mental health and homelessness; Capitalism and homelessness. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/24/some-are-not-so-thankful-this-holiday.html

NEOCH 2015 membership campaign has begun. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/24/2015-membership-campaign-starts-now.html

Articles in the news around homelessness. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/20/articles-in-the-news-around-homelessness.html

Remembering Jim Skerl, friend of the homeless and the founder of the Labre Project locally. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/18/jim-skerl-at-st-ignatius-constructed-a-program-to-befriend-t.html

City of Cleveland for clarifies the law and housing discrimination statutes to include gender identity issues. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/18/equality-issues-within-the-homeless-community.html

Successes and failures discussed at well-attended NOBLE budget meeting. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/16/noble-budget-meeting-well-attended.html

News on homelessness in America. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/14/news-on-homelessness-in-america.html

Guest on NPR Weekend Edition Sunday spouts figures, but no facts, to back his claims that church feeding programs enable homeless people to live outside. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/10/questions-not-asked-on-weekend-edition-on-npr.html

Ft. Lauderdale officials arrest 90-year-old chef and two religious leaders for feeding low-income and homeless people. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/7/ft-lauderdale-center-of-hate-toward-the-poor.html

Goal for current Blanket Drive is 3000. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/6/blanket-drive-starts-now.html

NEOCH files suit to protect provisional voters. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/2/neoch-files-suit-to-protect-provisional-voters.html

Second gallery of photos from the Hand Up Gala posted on website. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/2/second-hand-up-gala-gallery.html

Early Sunday voting took place from 1 to 5p.m. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/11/2/sunday-early-voting.html


Denise Toth, an Outreach Trainee, is featured in a video on the website to demonstrate how important this service is to Cuyahoga County. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/31/the-importance-of-outreach.html

New Year’s Day—the worst day to be in a shelter? /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/30/spending-the-holiday-in-the-shelters.html

Ohio News Updates include – introduction of a law to protect the homeless against hate crimes; and additional dollars given to shelters. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/24/ohio-news-updates.html

About 150 attendees at Homeless Memorial Day 2014. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/22/homeless-memorial-day-2014.html

News stories around the homeless for this week. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/20/news-briefs-for-the-week.html

Pay for Success Program pays a dollar figure for every day that the children do not spend in foster care. /cleveland-homeless-blog/month/december-2014?currentPage=2

Cleveland Police come under fire from citizens regarding issues such as racial profiling and murder. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/16/clevelanders-angry-about-the-police.html

Random Thoughts – Who pays for Supportive Housing?; Remember the Homeless Memorial Vigil; /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/15/random-thoughts.html

Blanket and backpack donations are beginning to come in. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/13/donations-are-starting-to-coming-in.htmlI

If we want to maintain our commitment to keeping families together, we must open more shelter beds. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/12/how-long-do-we-keep-overflow-for-families.html

How can I volunteer for the Homeless Stand Down and Care Van Days? /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/9/how-can-i-volunteer-for-the-homeless-stand-down.html

Homeless Stand Down looking for new or nearly new donations. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/8/homeless-stand-down-looking-for-donations.html

Homelessness has not decreased; White House posted an entry on their blog about the Cuyahoga County Pay for Success program. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/5/more-news-briefs-from-this-week.html

Judge has prevented enforcement of the Ft. Lauderdale feeding ban; Madison, WI struggles with how to shelter all those who need shelter; Chicago’s waiting list for housing is out of control. /cleveland-homeless-blog/2014/12/3/updates-of-homeless-news-stories.html

Thanks to Joyce for putting this summary of 2014 together for NEOCH

Brian Davis

Posts reflect the opinion of those who sign the entry.

Chris Knestrick