Proposals to Improve the Conditions in the Shelters

Passed on August 8, 2013 at a Homeless Congress meeting, a new shelter standards proposal was drafted and agreed upon. This proposal outlines the most essential shelter standards suggested by the Homeless Congress at earlier meetings. At that meeting, the Congress had drawn up a list of ideal, or “dream” shelter standards to be considered. This list was entirely comprehensive and went into great detail about the changes that needed to be made in the shelters. However, in order to be practical, the Congress cut down the length and forewent some of the originally proposed standards to appease City Council. As a result, a compromise was struck and a new proposal resulted. The original dream standards are nonetheless great reference points to base future goals off of for they are great guidelines upon which to advocate for further change in the shelters.


We have modified our website to reflect these new changes.  There is actually no law currently regulating the shelters, and the Congress would like to see a change.  They want to see access to shelter and a standard for discharge in law.  They want to see mandatory arbitration before there is a discharge.  The Homeless Congress are also working to improve the regulations that are a part of every contract for public money. 

Click here for the current Cuyahoga County shelter regulations.  We have also added a page on regulations that the Homeless Congress would like added to the current County regulations

By Lora Zuo and Brian Davis

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