2005 Grapevine Readers Survey Results

The staff of The Homeless Grapevine would like to thank everyone who contribute to the 2005 Grapevine Reader’s Survey (published in Issue 73, and on our website.)  Your feedback was greatly appreciated, and some of your suggestions will work their way into our pages in the coming year.  As promised, here are the results of our 2005 Grapevine Reader’s Survey! There were 16 surveys submitted, here is a breakdown:

 Age: 18-25 -1;  36-49 -3; over 50-12

  1. Work status: Part-time -1; Retired -5; Unemployed/no job-2; Full-time work-7;student-1
  2. City of residence: Cleveland-8; Bedford-1; Westlake-1; Maryville,TN-1; Mayfield Hts-1; Euclid-1; Lakewood-1
  3. What other local publications do you read?  Plain Dealer-15; Free Times-6; Scene-4; Sun Press-4; Other-4; Grapevine only -1
  4. How often do you purchase the Grapevine? Never-1 Sometimes-9 Always-6
  5. Do you read what you buy or pick-up? 16 yes
  6. Do you ever buy more than one issue? No-7; Yes-9
  7. Do you have hard time finding Grapevine? Yes-5; No-11
  8. Where do you usually buy a Grapevine? West  Side Market-9; NEOCH-3; Corner of East 9th-1; Somewhere else-3

10.  How have you found our vendors? Pleasant-10 Courteous-9 Professional-6

11.  How much do you usually pay for the Grapevine? Free-2; $1.00-14

12.  Who is your favorite vendor? All-4; Marsha-1; Arthur Jr-1; Tony-1

13.  Would you hire a vendor of The Homeless Grapevine if you had a job available? Yes-16

14.  Have you had a bad experience with a vendor? No-16

15.  How often do you see people use the Grapevine to collect money or panhandle? Not often-3; Sometimes-2; Never-11

16.  On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the vendors? 5-1; 8-5; 9-2; 10-7

17.  How much of the paper do you read? All-9; Most-6; Very little-1

18.  What articles do you enjoy reading? Editorials/Commentaries-12; Letters-3; News-12; Poetry-6

19.  What other areas would you like to see the Grapevine cover, or cover more? Editorials-3; Politics-2; more poetry-1; social issues-2; Job postings-2; Commentaries-5

20.  Would you be interested in seeing any of the following additions in the     Grapevine? Political cartoons-5; More poetry-3; Humor-4; Profiles-3; Reviews of cultural events or books-5; More social justice and advocacy-6; Forums-2; Job postings-4; The Grapevine is perfect, don’t change-2

21.  On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the trustworthiness of the Grapevine? (1=I do not trust the Grapevine, 10= The Grapevine has the utmost credibility) 4-1; 6-1; 8-3; 9-4; 10-7

22.  Agree or disagree with statement:Your paper panders to the liberal ideology in our society, and gives no other point of view?” (1=strongly disagree, 10=strongly agree) 1-4; 2-2; 3-1 9-1; 10-8

23.  How can we improve the content of our paper? “Good the way it is” -3; “Put in job postings” -1; “Put advertisements in them”-1

24.  Please rate on a scale of one to ten, how frequently you have discovered an issue because of coverage of the Grapevine? (1=constantly, 10=never) 1-3; 2-1; 3-2; 5-1; 6-1; 7-2; 8-3; 9-2; 10-3

25.  Has the Grapevine changed your opinion about any issue? Yes-11; No-5

26.  Do you think about or discuss the articles/issues in the Grapevine? Yes-14; No-2

27.  Do you enjoy the photography in the paper? Yes-14; No-2

28.  On a scale of   1 to 10, how would you rate the content of the articles in the Grapevine? (1=poor quality, 10=high quality/superior) 3-12; 5-2; 6-1; 7-1; 8-3; 9-3; 10-5

29.  Using the same scale as question #28, how would you rate the layout of the Grapevine? 4-1; 7-2; 8-2; 9-4; 10-7

30.  Using the same scale as the previous two questions, how would you rate the photography? 1-1; 5-2; 7-1; 8-3; 9-3; 10-6

31.  Do you have any additional comments about the content or layout? “No”-3; Put more economic factors    of the homeless”, Put more stories about the plight of the homeless like you did for the Katrina victims and their advocacy”.

32.  Have you ever been a Grapevine fundraiser? Yes-3; No-13

33.  Would you come to a Grapevine fundraiser? Yes-10; No-5; Maybe-1

34.  If you owned or managed a business, would you allow a vendor to sell the paper outside of your business? Yes-9; Maybe-7

35.  If you owned or managed a business, would you advertise your business in the Grapevine? Yes-9; Maybe-7

36.  Does the Grapevine serve its mission as a voice for low-income and homeless people? Yes-10; Somewhat-5; No opinion-1

37.  What is your overall impression of The Homeless Grapevine? (1=trash, 10=excellent) 6-1; 7-1; 8-3; 9-7; 10-4

Copyright: NEOCH Homeless Grapevine; Cleveland, Ohio- December 2005: Issue 74

Chris Knestrick