2001 Kids Count Statistics
From the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children’s Defense Fund Ohio
1990 1998
Percent low birth weight babies OH 7.1% 7.7%
US 7.0% 7.6%
Infant mortality rate OH 9.8 8.0%
(deaths per 1,000 live births) US 9.2 7.2%
Child death rate OH 29 24%
(deaths per 100,000 children ages 1-14) US 31 24%
Rate of teen deaths rate by accident, OH 55 43%
Homicide, and suicide US 71 54%
(deaths per 100,000 teen ages 15-19)
Teen birth rate OH 34 27%
(births per 1,000 females ages 15-17) US 37 30%
Percent of teens who are high school OH 7% 8%
Dropouts (ages 16-19) US 10% 9%
Percent of teens not attending school and OH 9% 8%
not working (ages 16-19) US 10% 9%
Continued 1990 1998
Percent of children living with parents who OH 29% 28%
do not have a full-time, year round US 30% 26%
Percent of children in poverty OH 18% 16%
(data reflect poverty in previous year) US 20% 20%
Percent of families with children headed OH 23% 27%
by a single parent US 24% 27%
Female headed families receiving child support or alimony OH 39%
(1998 figure only) US 34%
Children in working-poor families without a telephone OH 7%
At home(1999 figure) US 9%
Children in extreme poverty OH 8%
(income below 50% of poverty level) US 8%
Children without health insurance OH 9%
US 15%
Children in working-poor families who lack health insurance OH 14%
US 23%
2-year old children who were immunized OH 79%
US 80%
Juvenile violent crime arrest rate OH 271
(arrest per 100,000 youths age 10-17) US 394
Juvenile property crime arrest rate OH 1,679
(arrest per 100,000 youths ages 10-17) US 2,130
Percent of children under age 18 in working-poor families OH 18%
US 23%
Copyright Homeless Grapevine and NEOCH published in Cleveland Ohio in July of 2001.