Freedom Bus to Stop in Cleveland

Stop Targeting Ohio’s Poor (STOP) will greet the Economic Human Rights Campaign Freedom Bus on June 4 at 11:30a.m. at the Bishop Cosgrove Center (1736 Superior Ave.) near the Plain Dealer. Those traveling on the bus will have a lunch and will accept testimony on the impact of welfare reform from STOP volunteers who have been collecting stories from former and current welfare recipients over the past two months.

These activities are part of the Economic Human Rights Campaign. Locally, Stop Targeting our Poor and the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless is participating in the Economic Human Rights Campaign, being sponsored by the National Welfare Rights Union under the leadership of the Philadelphia- based Kensington Welfare Rights Union.

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This United Nations’ document guarantees all people the right to food, housing, medical care and a job at living wage. These economic human rights are being violated every day in Cleveland and across the United States.

The Economic Human Rights Campaign believes that in the richest country in the world, we should have the right to food, housing, medical care and a job at a living wage. Throughout this campaign, the members of the Freedom Bus will be documenting human rights violations occurring in America, educating and organizing around economic human rights, and constructing a movement to end poverty.

In June 1998, a new Freedom Bus---proclaiming Freedom from Unemployment, Hunger, and Homelessness will tour the country stopping in Cleveland on June 4th to document human rights violations. The Freedom Bus will carry these stories to the United Nations to expose to the world the real conditions of poor communities in the United Streets.

Copyright for the Homeless Grapevine Cleveland Ohio Issue 27 May 1998

Chris Knestrick