Percentage Decrease in AFDC/TANF Benefits from March 1994 to September 1997
County Dollar Amount Decreased Percentage
1. Holmes $99,439 20.92%
2. Cuyahoga $67,499,999 32.67%
3. Summit $17,424,569 32.87%
4. Mahoning $13,153,742 37.18%
5. Sandusky $1,414,151 37.27%
6. Lawrence $4,172,968 38.38%
7. Lucas $25,335,213 38.41%
13. Lorain $10,362,334 41.69%
15. Medina $1,571,045 42.62%
18. Stark $13,936,260 43.28%
19. Montgomery $25,356,075 43.48%
25. Franklin $50,451,609 45.93%
32. Hamilton $45,138,756 47.79%
43. Lake $4,208,992 52.92%
88. Paulding $874,985 76.56%
Source Ohio Dept. of Human Services and CEOGC.
Copyright NEOCH and the Homeless Grapevine published 1998 Issue 24