Ohio State News
**The Governor’s budget was released in February. The governor requested small increases in money for Transitional Housing and no increase for the Emergency Shelter fund. The governor proposed eliminating housing for migrant workers. Overall funding for homeless services went from $8.7 million in 1996 to $7.6 million in 1997 with requests for $8.3 million in 1998.
The Governor did propose an increase in the fee paid at the time a house transfers from one owner to another to be used to build housing. The fund should generate $56 million over the next two years. In early March, Republican legislators were weary of supporting the increase for fear of being viewed as raising taxes.
Requests for the Department of Alcohol and Drug Services to fund housing issues related to homelessness and supportive housing for those in substance abuse treatment. The governor’s budget did not fund any of these type of activities.
Copyright NEOCH and the Homeless Grapevine published March 1997-April 1997 Issue 20