FREE WEBINAR SERIES: Cleveland Housing 101



Learn the ins and outs of the housing and shelter systems in Cuyahoga County. Participants will get an overview of how people become housing insecure and homeless, what their options are, and how they can access the resources they need to regain stability. Participants will also learn about fair housing law, tenants’ rights, and the eviction process. Please note: this webinar series is free, but there is a $30 fee for social workers seeking CEU credits. That fee can be paid here, either by you or your employer. All three sessions must be completed in order to gain a CEU certificate.

Coordinated Intake, Eviction, and Landlord Tenant Mediation
Thursday, Sept. 10, 3-5PM
Hear from Frontline Service about the process to gain access to shelter in Cuyahoga County. If you, a client, or friend find becomes homeless, our county guarantees shelter the same night. Find out what the current procedure during COVID-19 is, as well as how Coordinated Intake normally works.
Housing Court deals with not only eviction, but many other issues between landlords and tenants. Learn about how your clients can work with the court to stay housed.

Housing Rights, and the Path Into and Out of Homelessness
Thursday, Sept. 17, 3-5PM
The Fair Housing Center for Rights and Research will cover the rights of tenants in public and private housing, and common misconceptions about what a landlord can and can’t do. Gain a basic understanding of what your clients should expect from their housing provider, and where to go for help.
NEOCH will describe the root causes of homelessness, the ways people typically become homeless, and the options they have to get housed. They’ll also discuss gaps in the system, and where further advocacy is needed to improve housing stability in our community.

Permanent Supportive Housing, and Veterans’ Housing and Homelessness
Thursday, Sept. 24, 3-5PM
EDEN Inc will describe the criteria to gain access to permanent subsidized housing vouchers, and touch on their other programs as well. Cogswell Hall will describe how they provide a permanent solution to homelessness, and go over their application process. Veterans’ Affairs will discuss the problem of homelessness among military personnel, and what they’re doing to combat it.

Register for this webinar series here. Please only register if you plan to attend all three sessions. This is one course, split into three parts, not three separate events.

Chris Knestrick