Homeless People Need Help Even in Summer

There is a family of 3, soon to be 4 whom Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless has helped find an apartment on the westside of Cleveland. This family has no possessions! They moved into their apartment 2 days ago and now they are in need of everything except appliances. They need beds, or mattresses, furniture (baby items needed by December). All kitchen supplies, linens, etc. They need a fan immediately if anyone has an extra one. The 3 year old girl could use some toys also. He is working spot labor and is in search of a full-time job. If anyone can help this family out, please call Randall or Denise (street outreach worker at NEOCH) at 216-432-0540 or email housingcleveland@neoch.org.

The number of families asking for help is also up at Coordinated Intake in Cleveland.  They could use diapers and other items for toddlers and babies.  They need female hygiene items and everyone can use hygiene kits.  We have a list of items that NEOCH collects and you can drop off at NEOCH from 9 to 4:30 any day.  Sometimes we even have hours on the weekend.  The Coordinated intake site is at 1736 Superior on the second floor from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.   This is in the Cosgrove Center and they take clothing and distribute them to homeless people on the first floor.   Please remember homeless people suffer in this hot weather and our homeless family population grow dramatically in the summer. 

Brian Davis

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