New Ohio Rankings on Website
Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless has some new information on our website. This could be helpful for your senior high school reports or college essays about homelessness. Some very interesting statistics on Ohio and how it ranks in several different areas compared to the other states. It’s a report card that shows the weaknesses and strengths on some crucial subjects that make a difference for those who live in Ohio.
How much do you know about Ohio? You will be surprised at some of the statistics an intern named Megan at NEOCH found out about Ohio and compiled so we can quickly see where Ohio ranks next to the other states in categories like Housing, Population and Demographics, Homelessness and Poverty, Economics, Health and Welfare and Crime.
How many percent of registered voters actually turned out to vote in Ohio? Where does Ohio rank among 50 states in reducing homelessness? Is Ohio’s rate of population growth closer to the top or bottom of the scale when compared to 50 other states? Which state has the highest poverty rate in the nation and how close is Ohio to it? Where did Ohio rank in its number of murders, robberies and rapes? Is it possible that Ohio is 7th from the worst state in any of those three violent crime categories? All of these stats are found on our site with an easy to read graphically enhanced webpage. We encourage you to check out our new section and read some statistics that paint a graphic picture of Ohio and it’s standing amongst the states.
The site evaluates the state’s performance and growth by showing how Ohio stacks up against its peers. It even shows the quality of life and life expectancy for the state for the nearly 12 million residents of Ohio. How long can you expect to live when you reside in the state of Ohio? Check out these very informative statistics to find out. It’s a very eye opening picture of the state of Ohio and where it falls in categories that are compared across the board for every state in the union.
by Denise Toth
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