From the Streets to Permanent Supportive Housing...

        It is a rare occasion when we are able to converse freely with formerly homeless persons about living on the streets of Cleveland. It is an even rarer occasion when they are able to publicly broadcast their individual stories and teach others of the importance of housing. This is why YOU ARE INVITED to attend the Permanent Supportive Housing and Homeless Outreach Teach In on August 7, 2014 at 6 p.m.  A diverse and energetic panel consisting of both homeless persons and outreach workers will present fresh and unique perspectives on the journey out of homelessness. There will also be a lively discussion, a tour of one of the apartments, and refreshments available. This is your chance to truly understand homelessness and build relationships with those living outside.

         This presentation is for Cleveland City Council and County Council members as well as staff of the Alcohol and Drug and Mental Health Board of Cleveland.  Media and other members of the public are also invited.  RSVP BY CALLING 216/432-0540. This event is co-sponsored by Frontline Service and EDEN Inc.


Thursday August 7th at 6:00 PM to 8:30 p.m.

Greenbridge Commons

East 75th St and Euclid Ave.

We just ask that you RSVP.

Brian Davis

Posts reflect the opinion of those who sign the entry.

Chris KnestrickPSH, outreach