HUD Closes on Friday because of Sequestration

On Friday June 14, you will not be able to call the Department of Housing and Urban Development to get a copy of a housing list because of Sequestration.  You will not be able to talk to a human being if you want to find out the procedure for filing a fair housing complaint.  You will not be able to figure out who to talk to find out if a landlord receives federal dollars to house low income or homeless people because the HUD offices will be closed.  This furlough day is to satisfy Congressional demands to reduce the federal budget.  This is in effect a salary reduction for federal employees who oversee housing dollars.  This is a reduction in pay for those who watch the allocation of dollars to cities and housing authorities.  The question comes up are we losing more money through waste, fraud and abuse because we are sending employees home and they are not doing their job than we save with a reduction in their salary? Sequestration is a stupid way to govern a democracy.

Brian Davis

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