Another Opportunity to Hear Daniel's Poetry
The Drumplay folks are doing a second show to remember the poetry of DanDaniel Thompson attended a 2000 rally to celebrate the NEOCH victory over the City of Cleveland at Willard Park by City Hall. iel Thompson. April is the anniversary of his birth (also national poetry month), and so there is always a great deal of activity. Of course, poetry in the spring is always the best time of year to be open to the creative uses of the English language.
We have previously posted the event at the Lakewood Library on April 19 at 6 p.m. But if you cannot make the Friday event there is a Sunday session at the Shaker Library from 2-4 p.m. What possibly could be better than an afternoon of Daniel's poetry at the people's university? The Shaker Library is at 16500 Van Aken Blvd 4/21 at 2 p.m. Featuring Ray McNiece, Ernie Krivda on saxophone and the jazz/folk musicians of Drumplay led by our friend James. We hope that you can attend one of these events.
Brian Davis
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