Homelessness And Cared For Is All You Need

By: Demetrius Barnes

There was a time when I was walking and saw people laying on the street. I walked by them when they were sleeping.  I wanted them to know I was an angel. I had come by and I loved God’s creation. So, I had money in my pocket and I wanted them to know that somebody cared.

I placed some money in the hands of a few people on the street. I thought it was good that the people on the street knew about the Lord. I placed a $10 bill under the head of someone, I hoped that it didn’t blow away with the wind. I felt that it was very good for them to know that somebody cared like a tooth fairy. I would like to do this as often as possible because these people are sleeping in doorways downtown.

This man looked like he needed help.  I thought I would help him. He had little cover to lay under, not a lot. His shoes were on and he had a pillowcase with clothes in it. His clothes were dirty and colorful. He was sound asleep and looked like he was resting real well. As I continued on the streets, I saw them on manholes and they were sleeping with a clothing used as a blanket.   There was a stream on the manhole coming out covering him.

There are people that say these people have had some success in life and they had fallen through the cracks of life. They seem to have a little education. Some people cannot help the things that happen to them. When you walk down the street, you find more than one person sitting on the street and as you see them.  They all have the same thing in common, they are homeless.

I have not seen that man on the street again because I have looked for him. I pray that he is taken care of as he goes on in his life.  They are certainly going to need help, and I pray for their lives. I was told that most of them are men and women struggling. They are struggling thinking that no one cares.  It feels good when someone cares about you when you are having tough time. Most people just take it one day at a time and others just don’t know where they are going to take a shower.

I noticed when they go to the soup kitchen the people are feeling down a bit. The only thing that keeps them up is the food, which they always need. All we have to do on the other side is have a smiling face to show them that every kind deed is love. These people, some of them, can pull through, they just need a loving hand on the other side of homelessness, and tell them that it’s all right and that God loves them very much. Each and every one deserves care in a very special way.  They are individuals that are having hard times. They are misunderstood. Most homeless people know where they can get hot meals and showers without any one having to tell them. Most people just go on in life being caught in the system and they fall victim to circumstance.

Copyright Cleveland Street Chronicle December 2015. All rights reserved

Chris Knestrick