Turning Sadness into joy!
By Michael Boyd
Wow! Here I am at Christmas with no money, no gifts for my kids, and no way to get the funds that I need. I’m still going to stand right here and sell my Street Chronicles, although I well know I’m not going to make enough to get the things the kid’s want and also have a nice Christmas dinner.
I’m not going to let these problems dampen my spirit or keep me from keeping a positive attitude. “Oh my Heavenly Father please show me a way to get the gifts for my children.” I’m praying every few minutes for a miracle.
Meanwhile, a very nice elderly woman with the most gorgeous unusual coat walked up to me and asked if she could buy a paper. “Of course” I said. She bought her paper; we exchanged, “Merry Christmas greetings, and she went her way.
Okay, okay, I’m not going to panic! Today is December 23rd, just one more day to try to get the kids some gifts and with the help of my Heavenly Father I will accomplish this. Well, my two hour work shift is almost over and I don’t have near enough money for what I have to do.
As I gathered my belongings and cleared up my area at the West Side Market, I heard someone say, “Hello again.” As I turned to acknowledge the person, the first thing I saw was the same fabulous coat and the same sweet lady that bought a Street Chronicle an hour earlier. I couldn’t help but notice the extremely large plastic jar she was carrying. THE JAR WAS FULL OF MONEY!!!
Cash bills, silver dollars, I could see the corners of dollar bills, gold coins, quarters, dimes, and more! The lady said, “I just hope this will help you have a Merry Christmas.” I was speechless! When she handed me the jar, my knees gave way and buckled from the weight of all this money and my eyes also gave way to the tears that overwhelmed me. It was a very surreal moment for me. Without another moment’s notice, she was gone.
I just could not believe what had just happened! As I was rushing to clear my area, I still could not get over how a small elderly lady could handle such a heavy jar of money! It must have weighed at least 75 lbs. All during that day I prayed so passionately and reverently that I know my Heavenly Father has heard my plea, and everything will be all right.
Now let me ask you, do you think perhaps the sweet elderly woman was an Angel? Hmmmmm, something to consider. There was enough money to get the two bicycles that was greatly desired, several dolls, new winter coats, toy trucks, a telescope, and the most wonderful dinner that we could have ever had.
Copyright Cleveland Street Chronical and NEOCH January 2015