Championship for Homelessness
By: Buzzy
Disappointment, frustration, and downright disgust; that’s what the fans of Cleveland have felt. We thought this year we had the chance to be happy-go-lucky and carefree. But as usual, the good old hex of Cleveland, that curse we’ve had since 1964, fell on our fair city.
LeBron may have been the king of Miami, but he sure hasn’t been the King of Cleveland. All because he hasn’t been afforded a good supporting cast. During his first reign the supporting cast didn’t show up, and the same happened during the playoffs. Now we are in a dilemma waiting to find out whether the King is going to stay or go. Hopefully he’ll stay. But we do not want one of those episodes we had when he left Cleveland. He had us hanging on for dear life as he knew he was ready to leave town. We just want him to say “I’m outta here” so we can start over again.
I’m telling you this here because it was pretty good for the homeless during this last run for gold. Everybody was happy-go-lucky, and in a giving spirit. I know several homeless guys who enjoyed shelter, monetary gains and a lot of food. I, myself, sold a lot of papers because of the happy go-lucky- spirit that was going on in Cleveland during the play offs. I know the good people of Cleveland have been through this before, and will probably go through it again. Hopefully, since were trying to beautify Cleveland for the Republican Party Convention next year, they will be our lucky charm, bringing a championship into Cleveland. Because on that glorious day whether you are a republican, a democrat, or independent everyone will be jumping for joy if a championship comes to Cleveland.
Being a Clevelander, I have experienced the highs and lows of our near championships. At least we’re not like some cities, we’ve been to championship games but we have never gotten over the hill. The Indians got to a couple of World Series, the Browns have made it to some championship games, and the good ole Cavaliers have too, but we haven’t yet made it to the mountain top. And to quote Martin Luther King Jr. we in Cleveland have a dream. Just like we have seen the dream of an African American becoming the president of these United States hopefully, I will enjoy another dream of seeing Cleveland become a championship city. But more than Cleveland becoming a championship city I would like to envision Cleveland becoming a championship city for homelessness. Because if Cleveland wins the championship it should be a great championship for homelessness because everyone will surely be happy, happy, happy.
We have accomplished a lot of things in Cleveland over the last several years, but homelessness is still at the forefront of our society. And although we have experienced the comradery of almost winning a championship, we should also come together to win a championship for homelessness. So as I bring this to a close, I would like to say 2016 will be our year! We’ll definitely be ‘ALL IN’ and hopefully, we’ll be ‘ALL IN’ for homelessness!
Copyright Cleveland Street Chronicle September 2015 in Cleveland Ohio All Rights Reserved