New Street Newspaper Available

Issue 19.1 Available on the Streets

The new issue of the Cleveland Street Chronicle is now on the streets.  We have been selling it for a couple of weeks.  This issue is unique in that nearly every vendor contributed a poem or story.  This issue is heavy on the commentary and light on the news, but still a good 15 pages.  It is well worth the $1.25 and the support for the vendor.  There is an interview with Hilary King, the director of the fair housing group, Housing Research and Advocacy Center.  We published a history of the homeless memorial day in Cleveland.  There is an in depth interview with Sheri West and a look at the 2012 Stand Down. 

A local flop house owner wrote a commentary about his business and the misconceptions of pay by the day facilities.  There is a nice center spread that is mislabeled as the "Hand Up Gala," but is actually the Homeless Memorial Day photos.  Angelo has a story about a fishing outing at the shelter, and there is a profile of Mark Read who vended the paper and we lost in March. Delores, Mark's spouse, wrote a piece comparing selling the paper with selling hot dogs with a cart.  This issue has a nice overview of Re-Entry issues and some of the problems people face when they try to re-establish a stable life. 

You can always buy a paper at the West Side Market, and with the casino opening it is likely there will be more vendors downtown.  Support your local street newspaper vendor by buying a paper. 


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